Who We Are
Randolph World Ministries, Inc. (RWM) is operated by Tim and Liz Randolph out of their home in Fenton, MO, a south suburb of St. Louis, MO. Tim is a professor of medical laboratory science at Saint Louis University and his clinical specialty is laboratory medicine with an emphasis in hematology. Liz is a Physician Assistant who has spent most of her career practicing in urgent care and veteran care in St. Louis, MO.
Randolph World Ministries, Inc. was founded by Tim R. Randolph, PhD, MT(ASCP) in 2000 when the medical mission ministry operations began. However, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. was formally incorporated in March of 2005 and became a 501c3 organization. The idea to develop Randolph World Ministries is the result of a call from God to use our medical education and desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to serve the medical and spiritual needs of the people of Haiti.

In 1999 Tim was invited by a ministry friend to participate in a mission trip to Haiti. The organization was called Friends of Haiti Organization (FOHO) and the goal was to build a school in a small mountain community in the southern sector of Haiti where this team had previously built a church 9 years before. When the trip was over and the school was standing, I came home but I left my heart in Haiti. Three months later a pastor friend called to share that God had placed my name on his heart following a mission trip he had recently made to Haiti. He visited a para-church organization called OMS International (formerly Oriental Mission Society) who has a large compound in the northern sector of Haiti near Cap-Haitien that included a clinic called Bethesda Medical Center. He described the clinic as having an excellent reputation in the community but that, even to his novice eye, the laboratory definitely needed some help. It was clear that God had opened two doors so I immediately called OMS and asked if I could visit Bethesda for two weeks in the summer of 2000. As a professor of Clinical Laboratory Science I realized that between my expertise in laboratory medicine and a two month vacation in the summer, God has orchestrated the perfect combination to embark on this calling.
2000 - 2002

From 2000 to 2002 I traveled to Vaudreuil, Haiti for two weeks each summer to consult with the laboratory at Bethesda. My role was to help them improve current procedures, conduct training sessions with the laboratory staff, and to develop additional laboratory procedures to improve the laboratory services.

In 2003 God opened two more doors. My daughter, mother and two of my Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) students asked if they could join the summer team and serve with me at Bethesda. The first medical mission TEAM was born. Also this year two other Haitian clinics observed our activities at Bethesda and asked if I could visit their clinics. I saw this as another door God had opened and a laboratory ministry had developed. During this period it was becoming clear what God was doing and that I needed ministry partners to provide financial contributions and medical material donations in order to keep pace with our growth.
2003 Randolph World Ministries, Inc. Medical Mission Trip Team Members

In 2004 I received other requests from my CLS students to join the team and from other Haitian clinics to extend our services to them as well. In 2004, one of my financial contributors indicated that she felt led to make a sizeable contribution if she could deduct it from her taxes. I began to seek an accountant or tax attorney to complete the 501(c)(3) paperwork. In 2004 an accountant from the United Methodist Church in Macomb, IL, Carol Carter, volunteered to complete the paperwork on our behalf. In 2005, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. was officially born. From 2004 to 2006, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. continued to recruit larger medical teams and accept more Haitian clinic clients requiring that we extend our two week summer trip to three weeks, then to five weeks. Also during this time the spouse of a professional colleague, Jim Schoeberlein, volunteered to create a ministry logo and create a website.
2004 Randolph World Ministries, Inc. Medical Mission Trip Team Members

In 2007 God opened another major door. We were asked to service 4 clinics in the southern sector near Port-au-Prince and one in the central sector near Gonaives. At this point we had acquired seven clinics but all were in the north around the Cap-Haitien area. During the winter of 2007, I visited these five clinics and accepted them as permanent partners of Randolph World Ministries, Inc. These five acquisitions made it necessary to introduce an annual winter trip to supplement our annual summer trips. In addition, 2007 also became the year our medical teams began to diversify from primarily laboratory professionals to include other healthcare professionals allowing us to service the entire clinic, not just the laboratory.

During this period our rapid growth curve and diversity of services to the people of Haiti steepened dramatically. In the fall of 2008, Haiti was hit by a series of four hurricanes that literally flooded our ministry partner in Gonaives, Eben-Ezer Mission. Since our inception God had put in place over 150 financial contributors and I felt led to email them with an urgent request for financial assistance to help the survivors of the floods obtain food and water until the large NGO’s could get their large gears turning. Within 2 days of the flood, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. was able to send $2,000 to Pastor Michel, President of Eben-Ezer Mission, and another $2,000 before a week had elapsed since the flood. Pastor Michel indicated that our contribution was essential in the survival of many of his people between the time of the flood and the arrival of the first shipment of food and water from the Red Cross.
During this period God opened several doors to diversify our ministry activities to include conducting our first eye clinic where we fitted 750 people for glasses in a two week period. We also partnered with two Haitian laboratory schools, developed two small businesses and performing some manual labor operations.
2008 Randolph World Ministries, Inc. Medical Mission Team Members


The year of 2010 brought the greatest and most dramatic change to the ministry. In January, Haiti was rocked by a series of earthquakes that will forever change the country. Again, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. enacted our disaster relief efforts and was able to send financial assistance and two medical teams to Haiti within the first three months of the disaster. Through this disaster, God tripled our financial and medical materials contributors allowing us to do so much more for the people of Haiti.
However, the biggest change in Randolph World, Ministries, Inc. is the addition of Liz Randolph, Tim’s wife, as co-President and Director of the Clinical arm of the ministry. As a Physician Assistant (PA), Liz will be planning the clinical direction of the ministry and overseeing all clinical team members to include physicians, PAs and nurses who join our medical mission teams. With Liz directing the clinical portion of the ministry and Tim directing the laboratory portion, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. is poised to continue the growth God has begun and develop the other ongoing services.


To date, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. makes two annual medical mission trips to Haiti; a two-three-week trip in the winter (Dec.-Jan.) and a three-four-week trip in the summer (June-July). Our medical mission teams are composed of a wide range of healthcare professionals to include laboratorians, physician assistants, physicians, nurses, occupational therapists, and health information managers. However, we are constantly seeking ALL types of medical professionals who share our vision and are called to medical missions. Because our continuous presence has established solid relationships, we are also seeking people who God is calling to help us share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in new and exciting ways. Liz and I are inviting a wide range of healthcare professionals to join our teams to include pharmacists, physical therapists, X-ray techs, phlebotomists, EMTs, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, and other healthcare professionals as well as evangelical laypersons and pastors. We are also seeking individuals to join one or more of our networks (prayer team, financial contributor, medical supply donor, non-medical supply donor, fundraiser, materials packer, medical vendor, etc.). Lastly, we are seeking individuals who are called to assume a volunteer position in our organizational structure. If you are interested in joining the Randolph World Ministries, Inc. team, simply email Tim and we can discuss the options.
Our most recent initiative is the development of a sickle cell diagnosis and treatment program. The purpose of the program is threefold:
1. Develop, train, and distribute diagnostic testing materials to increase the number of people diagnosed in Haiti with sickle cell disease.
2. Create, train, and distribute a modern treatment regimen to reduce the morbidity and mortality of sickle cell disease in Haiti.
3. Operate the Sickle Care Center of Haiti in Saint Marc, Haiti to diagnose and treat local sickle cell patients and train Haitian healthcare professionals countrywide to diagnose and treat their patients locally.
In 2022 we opened the Laboratory Supply Company of Haiti (Labsco) in Haut-Limbe, Haiti. The primary purposes are five-fold:
1. To provide a wide range of laboratory supplies at below market pricing to improve the financial stability of our clinic clients.
2. Provide testing methods not readily available in Haiti.
3. Provide sickle cell specific testing methods to support the countrywide sickle cell program.
4. Hire Haitians to impact unemployment.
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, generate revenues to reinvest in the Sickle Care Center of Haiti.
1. Develop, train, and distribute diagnostic testing materials to increase the number of people diagnosed in Haiti with sickle cell disease.
2. Create, train, and distribute a modern treatment regimen to reduce the morbidity and mortality of sickle cell disease in Haiti.
3. Operate the Sickle Care Center of Haiti in Saint Marc, Haiti to diagnose and treat local sickle cell patients and train Haitian healthcare professionals countrywide to diagnose and treat their patients locally.
In 2022 we opened the Laboratory Supply Company of Haiti (Labsco) in Haut-Limbe, Haiti. The primary purposes are five-fold:
1. To provide a wide range of laboratory supplies at below market pricing to improve the financial stability of our clinic clients.
2. Provide testing methods not readily available in Haiti.
3. Provide sickle cell specific testing methods to support the countrywide sickle cell program.
4. Hire Haitians to impact unemployment.
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, generate revenues to reinvest in the Sickle Care Center of Haiti.