Medical Services
Randolph World Ministries, Inc. assembles a medical team for each of the two annual medical mission trips to Haiti. The size and composition of each team is dependent of the team members who accept the invitation to join a next team. Therefore, we will provide the breadth of medical services to the clinics we visit based on the composition of the team. Since the President serves on every team, laboratory services are always provided. Past teams have been able to provide physician, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy and pharmacy services. RWM is eager to accept team members representing every aspect of healthcare to include: clinical laboratory scientists (medical technologists and technicians), phlebotomists, physicians (MD), physician assistants (PA), nurses (NP, RN, LPN), physical therapists (PT), occupational therapists (OT), health information managers (medical records), radiation technologists (X-ray), and pharmacists, etc.
Throughout the year RWM donates medical materials to each of our Haitian clinic partners upon request, dependent on our inventory at the time of the request. In general, we ship materials to one or more clinics on a monthly basis. The donated materials are provided to RWM through the generosity of our medical supply network. Medical personnel, largely laboratory professionals, acquire unusable materials from their hospitals and academic institutions and ship them to us, usually at their expense. Reimbursement for shipping costs is available upon request. This network represents over 100 individuals who share the vision of improving the healthcare of the people of Haiti while lessening the medical waste generated at their institution. Each partner in the medical supply network visits the website for a current list of usable materials and rescues these materials prior to their disposal. RWM gladly accepts gently expired medical materials with the exception of medications, which must be in date.
In addition, we provide online consultation throughout the year to address a host of medically related questions. The President has assembled a broad range of medical volunteers who provide consultation for medical questions outside his area of expertise.

Free Mass Screening
Since 2003, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. has been performing free mass screening during our summer medical mission trip. The purpose of this service is three fold. First, it provides free laboratory testing to all clinic patients that is placed into their permanent dossier (medical record). Second, it provides physicians with medical information at the time the patient is seen and information that can be consulted during future patient visits. Third, it provides prevalence and incidence data for Dr. Randolph to uncover diseases that are currently not being tested and treated in Haitian clinics and to increase the dissemination of Haitian medical data in the biomedical literature. Examples of the types of testing we have provided include HIV, sickle cell, Hepatitis B and C, H. pylori, sexually transmitted diseases (GC and Chlamydia), serum protein, hematocrit, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Our free mass screening program was instrumental in developing our sickle cell program and in identifying the existence of H. pylori as a common cause of gastric pain. Physicians at our clinics are now testing for H. pylori and treating patients differently based on the H. pylori test results.
Supply Medical Materials
The primary activities of Randolph World Ministries, Inc. involve providing medical supplies and services to Haitian clinics, Bible studies and pulpit sermons to missionaries and Haitian locals.
However, the bulk of our efforts have been to provide medical and laboratory supplies, on-site medical and laboratory training, email consultation, and free mass screening of patients in Haitian clinics associated with Randolph World Ministries, Inc. In order to accomplish these activities, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. seeks to grow our current partnership networks and establish new networks as the opportunities arise. One such network is our medical supply donor network. The supplies we currently accept can be divided into five broad categories; laboratory supplies, basic medical supplies, basic medicines, eye glasses, and personal items.