Haitian Clinic Partners
- An association with a Christian organization;
- An English speaking representative with regular email access designated to provide regular correspondence with the President of Randolph World Ministries, Inc.;
- Ability to transport medical mission team from one area of Haiti to their location;
- The ability to provide room and board for a team of 10-20 people.
Once accepted, the clinics become a permanent partner of Randolph World Ministries, Inc. from whom they will receive regular visits, medical materials as they become available, and ongoing online consultation. All Haitian clinic partners are categorized into two groups:
- Primary clinics with the financial stability and infrastructure to grow rapidly requiring regular support;
- Secondary clinics with more fragile infrastructures who will receive support on a less frequent basis.

2010 Haitian Clinic Clients
Conduct Mobile Clinics
Since 2006, we have conducted mobile clinics that serve remote villages where access to medical clinics is non-existent. The medical team and our medical supplies travel by truck until the road ends and then an additional 2-3 hours on foot (or by donkey) usually up and over mountains while Haitian villagers transport our supplies also on foot or by donkey. During a typical mobile clinic we will see between 60-100 patients per day for 2-3 days. The mobile clinics usually occur from Friday through Sunday during our summer medical mission trip.

Eye Clinic
During the 2009 summer medical mission trip, Randolph World Ministries, Inc. launched our first vision clinic. The first clinic occurred the last two weeks of the 5 week summer trip when 9 additional team members joined the original 6 to form the full 15 member team. We performed the vision clinic for one week at Bethesda medical center in Vaudreuil, Haiti and Eben-Ezer Clinic in Haut-Limbe, both located in the northern sector of Haiti. Through a partnership with Kendall Optical Ministry, we were able to fit over 750 people with glasses over the two week period.
Randolph World Ministries, Inc. is currently looking for a director of the Optical arm of Randolph World Ministries, Inc. If you are an optician or optometrist and are interested in investigating this ministry option, or if you know someone who may be interested, please contact Tim to discuss the position. Please realize that Randolph World Ministries, Inc. is a Christian based ministry that functions exclusively on volunteers who God has called to invest a small amount of time in this work on an ongoing basis.
Eye Glasses
We accept all used and new eye glasses to include reading glasses and frames only. Please include the carrying case when possible.